Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2014

Hello back !

Hallo meine Lieben :)

Ich melde mich jetzt endlich mal wieder auf deutsch zurück. Es tut mir schrecklich leid, dass ich mich in letzter Zeit so wenig gemeldet habe, aber ich hatte einfach nach den unendlich vielen Amerika-Posts, die ich für die Schule machen musste, nicht besonders viel Lust zu bloggen.
Aber jetzt bin ich tatkräftig zurück und habe nun einiges nachzuholen.

Als allererstes ein kleines Update zu meiner Amerika-Auslandsjahr-Bewerbung. Ich hatte Ende Oktober einen Brief von AFS (meiner Organisation) bekommen, in dem ich zu einem Auswahlwochenende eingeladen worden bin. Dieses fand dann Anfang November statt. Es war echt klasse.Ich habe soo viele nette, tolle Leute kennengelernt. Letztendlich war uns aber allen klar, dass von 22 Bewerbern aus 2 Wahlkreisen nur 2 LEUTE das Stipendium bekommen. Nach dem Wochenende war dann warten angesagt und an einem Donnerstag ca. 2 Wochen nach dem Wochenende kam dann endlich der Brief von AFS in dem stehen würde, ob ich in der nächsten Runde bin oder nicht. Als ich den Brief aus dem Briefkasten gefischt hatte, habe ich mich wie Charlie aus Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik gefühlt. Als würde ich die Schokoladentafel in den Händen halten und hoffen das darin das goldene Ticket ist. Ich war aufgeregt und wollte den Brief eigentlich gar nicht erst öffnen. Letztendlich konnte ich meine Tränen nicht mehr zurückhalten, als ich lesen musste:
Liebe Svea,
Es tut uns leid dir mitteilen zu müssen, dass wir dich nicht für die weitere Auswahl bei der Vergabe des PPP-Stipendiums berücksichtigen können

Ich war einfach nur enntäuscht. Ich hatte mir schon so viele Hoffnung gemacht und ich hatte nach dem Wochenende ein wirklich gutes Gefühl. Aber letztendlich wars wohl nichts.
Im Nachhinein sage ich mir: Ich muss nicht weggehen in Ausland, weil ich genug gute Gründe habe hierzubleiben! Ich habe hier tolle Freunde und eine tolle Familie deswegen will ich gar nicht mehr weg von hier.

Soo dann möchte ich euch noch Frohe Weihnachten wünschen ! (Besser später als nie) Ich hoffe ihr konnten bei eurer Familie sein und diese besinnliche Zeit genießen. Natürlich hoffe ich auch, dass ihr viele Geschenke bekommen habt. :)

Außerdem wünsche ich euch ein Frohes neues Jahr 2014. Möge 2014 ein gesundes, glückliches Jahr für euch alle werden. Hoffentlich habt ihr schön gefeiert. Ich habe mit ein paar Freunden gefeiert und das war auch echt schön.

Dann war ich vom 03. Januar bis gestern im Skiurlaub in Zillertal und das war auch richtig schön. Ich fande es richtig cool endlich Schnee zu sehen, nachdem derin Deutschland noch nicht so recht kommen möchte.

Naja das wars dann für heute erstmal, aber ich werde mich morgen zurückmelden mit dem Thema "Nagellack - DIY". Mehr verrate ich noch nicht. Also bis morgen !

Eure Svea :) <3

Dienstag, 19. November 2013

Alles was bleibt sind die Erinnerngen -Bilder #4

Hey guys,

here are the last pictures of my awesome trip to the USA.

Love ya'll
Svea <3 :)

@ Sam's

Look what I got from my awesome hotparents Amy & Harley ! Thank you so much !

Like these

my pumpkin

They're wonderful

Me & Briannah after the German Night

left something there for Amy

S'morse Dip ! Gosh I love that !!

wish we would have these in Germany

cinnamon rolls. These are great

Me & my Mom Amy
My amazing family <3

Our hotel room

at the nautre and science museum

Isn't that scray ?

Harley Davidson

Denver Downtown


What a nice city !

Way home

getting into the plane after hours

Home, sweet home

Montag, 18. November 2013

Last stop: Denver

Hey Guys,

To shorten everything a bit I'll tell you everything what happened during the last days in Denver in one post.

We visited the Nature & Science Museum in Denver. That was funny because we saw a lot interesting things. After that we went to Mall to go shopping. I bought again some things at Hollister and Abercrombie &Fitch. Finally we visited the Harley Davidson Shop. There I bought a shot glass for my father. In the evening we went swimming again.

We visited the Denver Art Museum. But that was boring. I've never been really interested in Art so for it was boring to look at hundreds of pictures. After that we went shopping in Downton Denver. There I bought something for my Mom and a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt for my Dad. Finally we went to a restaurant to eat supper. When we were back at our hotel we went swimming like the days before. We just remembered that this was our very last day being here. We were still sad about leaving a second time.

After breakfast we said goodbye to our bus driver Mick and we were crying again. We lost the last part of Moscow we had. Even Mick who seemed alwas quiet and strong was sad to leave us. Then we left for the airport where we had to wait for our til we were allowed to check in and to go on board. The flight was hard and Saturday at about 10 o'clock we landed in Germany. I was a little glad to be at home but I was still mising my new home in the USA.

Thanks to everybody on my trip. Thanks to everybody who gave me something wonderful to remember. It was a great part of my life which also formed my character a bit better and made me more independent, more grown-up.

Your Svea <3

Sonntag, 17. November 2013

Time to say hardly Goodbye

written on 10/08/13

“We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everyhwere.”  

Hey guys,

The day to leave is come. It's a sad day. I stood up in the morning with a weird feeling I never had before. How does it feel if you probably have to leave forever ? Leaving the people you learned to love, leaving the wonderful place you've been, leaving the fantastical weather, leaving the language you were used to talk, leaving the food you got to know, leaving everything you loved.
I never felt like this before.
It was hard to eat the last cinnamon rolls and to take my bag to the car to leave just the next moment. I finally took a picture of my family to remember them when I am back in Germany and we went to hte bus. Everybody took a lot of pictures and It was sad. I tried to don't cry but when Madilyn felt crying in my arms to say goodbye it was too late. I cried a lot and we were just hugging each other and taking the last pictures together. But at the end everybody had to sit in the bus wa to Denver.
Even when we already left Moscow we had lots of tears in our bus. The biggest mistake I did was that I heard the song "I'm coming home" togetherwith a friend. So we just kept on crying and crying and crying. Tears of pain. Tears of love. Tears of friendship.

After a while we calmed down. We just wanted to remember all the good things and not longer crying.
After 7 hours of driving bus we arrived in Denver again and visited the Denver Zoo. For supper we ate at Applebee's and at around 10 P.M. we went swimming because the hotel had a swimming pool.

Goodbye and see you

Svea ...

Samstag, 16. November 2013

Sad footprints

written on 10/07/13

Hey guys,

It was the last day in moscow today. We tidied up everything which was left from our German Night and went to the lessons with our exchangestudents where we usually practised for the GN. It was a sad day. No one would have ever thought that leaving would be this hard. But we all tried to enjoy the last day. After school we went to haily to eat something and in the afternoon we went bacck to the school to watch our last football game. It was all great fun and I am really gonna miss that.
When the football game was done we went again to Hailey's to have a little "last-night-party". We played a dance game on the XBox and did a harlem shake.
It was about 10 o'clock when Briannah and me came home. Before I started packing all my things we did S'morse dip. That was the greatest thing I ate during my time here.
Packing my things was really hard and I was just sad.
When I was done I went upstairs to Amy. She was with Bri in her bedroom watching TV so I asked her to come in. We talked a lot and and laughed about the last 2 weeks. Before I went downstairs to go to bed we took some funny pictures. Maybe I'll show them later on my blog.

Now I need to go to bed because we're leaving tomorrow morning. :(

Goodbye and see you

Svea :(

Freitag, 15. November 2013

Finally the German Night

written on 10/06/13

Hey guys,

Tonight we had our German Night. But besides that happened a lot.
In the morning before we all went to Madilyn to carve pumpkins I said a little goodbye to my parents because Amy and Harley had to left for Oklahoma City for a doctor's appointment. After they were gone I found a present with a card for me on the kitchentable. It was perfume from Hollister ( I love that!). Thanks to my awesome parents for leaving this present for me. In the card they wrote that they're sorry to miss the German night and that they love me. That was so cute and Amy & Harley if you read my blog: Thank you so much ! You were the greatest hostparents I could ever imagine!
 Carving Pumpkins was special to me because I've never done this before. At the end we had a a lot of beautiful pumpkins and I took mine home so Amy can see it when she is back home. After that we ate pizza and other halloween sweets at Madilyn's.
Later we had to

Donnerstag, 14. November 2013

Pictures #3

Hey guys,
here are more Pictures. Enjoy it

See You
Svea <3 :)
I love football
the wildcats are going to win
Way to Wichita- Way to a fantastic day
There was an "ALDI"-shop !!!
ate @ Olive Garden
It was so damn good !
Finally had our nails done and finished a unforgetable day - Thanks to my mom Amy